Sandauer, Artur, prof. (1913 - 1989) W 2000 lat pozniej. Pamietnik izraelski. [Wraszawa,] Czytelnik, [1956.] 127 p., numerous illustrations. €30
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8 vo, attractive multi-color covers designed by Andrzej Radziejowski. GOOD COPY WITH SMALL CHIPPING ON TOP OF THE SPINE.

A dairy of Lemberg born professor of Polish literature and critic. Artur Sandauer (1913–1989) was Polish writer, literary historian, and critic. A classical philologist educated in Lwów, Artur Sandauer taught at the Hebrew high school in Kraków between 1937 and 1939. He has published his articles in Polish and Polish Jewish literary journals.

Sandauer published several volumes of literary criticism, including Poeci trzech pokoleń (Poets of Three Generations; 1955) and Moje odchylenia (1956). His standard O sytuacji pisarza polskiego pochodzenia żydowskiego w XX wieku (On the Situation of the Polish Writer of Jewish Descent in the Twentieth Century; 1982) is still the major work on the subject. He also wrote a collection of wartime stories, Śmierć liberała (Death of a Liberal; 1947) but had greater difficultie to publish his works during Stalinist years. His Israeli diary, W 2000 lat później (2000 Years Later; 1956) and a fictionalized autobiography, Zapiski z martwego miasta (Notes from a Dead City; 1962) became bestellers in Poland and in large Polish émigré colony in Israel.

After escaping from the Sambor ghetto, he spent the remainder of World War II on the Aryan side of the city. After the war, he served as editor of Odrodzenie (1948–1949) and spent several years in Paris. Awarded a doctorate in 1948, Sandauer became a lecturer (1963) and subsequently a professor (1974) at the University of Warsaw.